Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First NST Monitoring of the triplets annnnnnnnd NICU tour

Today I had my first NST monitoring of the triplets, which took about an hour and thirty minutes.  The babies all sounded great, and I am doing great as well. :)  It was a little overwhelming, mainly because I had to have my monitoring in the labor and delivery department at the hospital.  It really just sank in that time is of the essence, and the reality of everything just over came me.
I asked my monitoring nurse if I could tour the NICU, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where the babies will be for a little while.  I have no idea for how long the babies will be in there, but we know they will go there since they will be a little early.  Anywho, just before I was finished with the monitoring one of the nurses in the NICU came to my room, and just shared all the situations that we will experience and how they do things.  I really felt comforted by her speaking with me, and how heartfelt she was about her position.  She introduced me to everyone in the NICU, and one of the Neonatologist that were currently on shift, and they were all so astounded by me even walking around.  They were also so incredibly sweet and soft spoken.  Once again I felt comforted in this overwhelming time. I am very glad that I thought to ask about doing this, cause it will help prepare myself emotionally.  Some of the really positive aspects about this NICU is that they are pro-breastfeeding and all for the Mom and Dad interacting with the babies as much as possible.  This really made me feel comforted once again since I will be breastfeeding these babies, as I did with Beau his first year.  The other aspect that I really liked is how much they protect the babies.  The last thing that we talked about is how she said it was good that I toured and am having my husband tour, this Friday, because most parents of multiples are quite overwhelmed right after delivery.  Like a deer in headlights.  I was Rusty to be fully prepared, or as much as he can be, for what will be happening after they are born.
Finally, my emotions are a little bit everywhere right now from this small, but big day for me.  I am very thankful for the insurance we have to provide us with the best care for our babies.  I can't imagine doing all this without it.

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