Friday, April 5, 2013

NICU Baby Update

Well I am up and at em, at 4:00 a.m., wanting to go see all my babies, but Russ is sleeping. :( This night nurse said I can go whenever my husband is ready to take me. :( I was hoping she could take me, but I guess they do not do that at night. Anywho, I called and spoke to all of their nurses, and her is the breakdown as of right now.

Baby A is still on CPAP, and is fixing to get another blood gas test and a few other test to see if they can take off the CPAP. I'm hoping they can, but even if they so do not that is ok, because he is sleeping contently. He is not even scratching his face like the others. Other than that he is doing good I think.

Baby B just came off CPAP, but is still in the isolette with the lid on. He is a trooper and is showing good signs, so I think he will keep progressing. He was the baby that has not been doing so well. God is good, and merciful, and is helping the babies.

Baby C has been off CPAP, and just got a feeding. Wish I would have been over there for his first feeding so I could have breast-fed him, and got skin to skin, but was not told. :( Good thing is, I will be over there for next feeding. He is doing well, and progressing quite well.

As for Momma Bear, I am doing good. Was nauseous throwing up every hour up until 10 last night, but am good now. The itching is pretty bad, but I'm trying to tolerate it.

In the morning, probably after shift change, they will let me take a shower and try and walk. I really need this, cause my legs hurt. I think they hurt, because I have been laying down for so long. Other than that I really can't complain with having a c-section with the triplets. Doctors, nurses, and specialist are all amazing and great.

Thank you all for the sweet emails, text, and visits yesterday. Look for updates now on the blog. This will be my primary source for updating everyone. It is just extremely easier than having to text. Add your email to the subscription on the bottom.

Until another update.

In the pic, yeap, there she sits. The hospital grade pump, and woo wee does it work good. Purrs like a kittin too.

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