Thursday, March 6, 2014

Confidence as a mother...a devotional for moms

As a mother of four boys, all under the age of five, and three under the age of one, confidence can become very dull as a mother.  Those days where you just ask a lot of WHYs in your prayers can really bring you down as a mother, but knowing God's truth can set that doubt free.  

In 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (NIV) it states this, "Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." 

This was the scripture of one of my devotionals this week, and it hit me at the right time, and aimed right at my heart.  If you read the entire chapter it can give you more clarity on what is being said.  Also, I want to share this devotional that might be a blessing to you as it has me.  Click on link to read.

One thing I've learn in my five years of motherhood, so far, is this.  When doubt, frustration, exhaustion, fear, and all the other emotions we momma's feel come creeping on Jesus.  Always pray, persevere, and have faith.  With these you will never be steered wrong, and HE will answer your prayers...on HIS time.  

Just as most mothers do, I too have my trying days.  Days when I wonder, like the writer in the devotional wonders, why God thought I am capable of being a mother.  But, HE did, and does.  It just won't be easy.  Nothing is easy in life.  Ahhhhhh (that's a long sigh).  Have FAITH when your tired, wore out, or just flat frustrated.  God sees you right where you are.  I'm telling y'all this, but also myself too.  

Confidence in Christ is having faith, and faith is having confidence in our savior's promises, and knowing He hears our prayers.  

Blessings from the state where weather is so unpredictable.  :)

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