That's me one year ago. Look at that huge belly. I can't even believe it.
Now at 33 years old I honestly am in awe of how different my life is compared to the last three or four years. After having Beau I never expected to have any more babies, but God obviously laughed and said, "guess what little momma, your gonna get a hand full." Lol. And I sure did.
Never did I imagine the constant business of motherhood. These little dumplins keep me busier than I thought was humanly possible. Lol. I'm surprised I don't have silver hair yet, cause I feel like I've aged about ten years in just the last year.
Some of the changed from having triplets have definitely been a roller coaster. Taking care of one baby, and a toddler can be challenging (I think, I really wouldn't know. Lol), but caring for three infants, and a toddler was tough.
Going through the tough times with my oldest grasping the fact that he now had to share momma with not just one baby, but three was extremely hard on him. Heck, it was, and is hard on me. Especially when time, and making memories are so important to me. As well as teaching about values, morals, manners, and faith. Or can be tough to swallow when you feel like you just don't have enough time in the day for all the snall things that are actually HUGE things in life.
Then you have the times when all your babies are sick. Wooooooo! Yeah, those times can definetly make you find Jesus...and in a hurry. Lol. I'm being serious here, but it does make me laugh a little.
Then you have the times when you are being pulled in every direction, and have about five things you have to do, and all at the same time. Uh, yeap, that's usually a fun fun time. Lol. Occasionally, don't laugh, but I would and do forget what the heck I was suppose to be doing to begin with. That's me to a T. ;)
Then you have the never ending, we are almost ready. Lol. Oh, Lordy. I never use to be late for anything. Now I'm late for everything. Totally not me, but it is now. I can't help it, cause I have four little rascals grabbing at my feet, and just when I think we are ready. One either has to get his drawers changes, as my Grandpa would call it, or one has pulled his shoes off. Now they have learned how to pull their diapers off. Geez! So, it takes some time some times to get out the door, and goin. But, I will say, I have learned a lot. I've learned how to make even better list of what I need when I go to the store. I've learned that yet I thought I was simple before, I try and simplify things even more now. For example, the baby bag. Some people find the more the better. I find the less the better. Take what you will use, and what you need. That's just advice from this country girl to you. :)
What about multitasking, and tending to your older chikdrens needs. This can be a challenge. Sometimes I just have to drop what I'm doing, and do what I need to do for Beau. He now has tball, and I have to plan for that, and try and plan ahead. But, it all works out. I also have to take him to and from school, but thankfully I have family and friends that help with this as well when I can't. Then you also have to make those specially mommy, and son times. I try to spend a little bit of time each day with just Beau. This reinforces a positive attitude with him, and let's him know he is still just as important as the babies.
Then you have times like these where you reflect, and think about how much you have changed. I have really looked at how I have changed as a mother, and as a woman. Having three babies not only changed your physical self, it changes your inner self. Who you are. What you think about. How you go about life. So many things. Everything really. Your freedom is out the window. Gone folks. Lol. Some just don't understand that you can't just pack up, and go just anywhere. But, mommas reading this that are expecting, as a friend told me...this is only a short time. This time while they are little and completely dependent on momma will fly by faster than you think. As I reflected this mornjng after a dream about my four will be gone in a blink of an eye, and they will be off to college before you know it. One day you will sitting at home having empty nest problems. Lol. Maybe. :) I really did have that dream. Lord have mercy I think too much.
The physical change in me is not too bad to be honest. I'm at the weight before I was pregnant. I try and work out when I have time. Finding time for that is quite challenging, but taking care of these little turkeys is quite the work out in itself. So, I do get somewhat of a workout everyday. I'm hoping once they start preschool in the fall that I can have time to workout more, because when I workout on a constant basis I feel better, and am not so drained and exhausted.
One tip I would suggest to any multiples momma is to make some simple changes that will help you in your daily task before they start crawling. For example, recently I put a sign at my front door. It says, "because tiny fingers touch our floors, please remove your shoes at the door." Along with the sign I put a crate under it for those that want to put their shoes in it. This not only keeps down dirt, and germs. It helps a little in me having to vaccum and mop so often. I usually mop once a week, because of all these little mess makers and all the fun they have. Hopefully, this will help a little on them getting sick so much, cause they have been known to lick the fridge, the floors, yes I know...gross. Lol, but they are babies.
There is so much I could share about my year of going from a momma to one boy, to a momma to four boys. Life is never easy, but God didn't promise life would be easy. And remember your plans are not always Gods plans. I'm thankful for my four little blessings. Life is bigger, and I never imagined my heart could love so much more. They bring joy into my life that is amazing.
"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." (Psalms 127:3 CEVUK00)
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6 NIV)
Blessings from this Okie chic to you! :) I can't wait to share the babies big birthday bash will y'all.
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