Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I'm officially one with my bike, and a little bit of everything else.

Today I officially became one with my bike.  That's right, I stepped it up a notch and got fitted for clipins.  Most would say, that's the only way to ride, and some might say you are just flat crazy.  

After riding in them (the clipins) tonight I have to agree it is definitely a total leg workout.  You use every muscle in your leg, and butt too.  Woo hoo!  Lol.  For those wondering what the heck I'm talking about let me explain.  Most people are use to seeing just regular pedals on a bike, but when you bike for a sport or as your total workout you might see basket type pedals or these small clips as the pedal.  These clips actually clip in to your shoes, which makes you a part of the bike.  This makes you one with the bike.  It felt so different riding tonight with clipins.  I felt everything, it was a lot more challenging, my muscles definitely felt it, and my adrenaline was a little higher.  All in all I really like it.  But, I'm a amiture with the new way of riding so I have to retrain my brain and learn new techniques.  :) Ok, enough about riding.  On to the babies, and life itself.  

Today I had a catch up day for me, and my day to get out and run errands.  So, I ran a few errands, spent some time at the bike shop, and went to see my beautiful amazingly talented cousin and got my hair did.  Then I ran of few other errands, and back home to my sweet babies again.  I have to say it is always good just to get out on my free days, by myself, breath a little, and relax.  Even if I'm catching up on all that's on my todo list.  Us, professional stay at home momma's, ;) have to have some freedom.  Even if it's few and far between.  While they are little-ens they have to have their momma's most of the time.  Hard to swallow that sometimes, because we do need breaks.  It is just a season though.  Before we know it they will be grown, and then we will be wishing for them to be little again.  

On to motherhood notes.  I've been getting a question from people a lot.  That is, "do you have a full time nanny?"  What?!  Seriously?!  No!  Absolutely not!  It's hard, challenging, and tough in the first year, and heck even after that, but you do not always need an extra set of hands.  Although, wouldn't we all love to have a helper all the time with triplets, and our other kids?  Lol.  What I have learned, and told myself is this, if you seriously can't handle it alone then get a full time nanny.  But, if you know that you are fully capable (with prayer and a lot of faith) to be a full time momma 24/7 to baby triplets and a five year old then you can do it without help all the time.  Just occasionally for breaks, and to keep your adult sanity.  Lol.  

On to the babies...we are a week into milk transition.  The babies are being weened off formula, and starting toddler milk.  So far it is going better than I expected.  I don't know how.  They are drinking their toddler milk all day in sippies with meals, and then get one bottle before bed of their old formula.  Hoping they can be off the bottle and formula within the next couple of weeks.  They truly are doing absolutely awesome with it all.  Big thumbs up to that.  They also are eating a lot.  They eat three meals a day, with a snack in between, and LOVE food.  Never thought they would do so well, cause we had so much trouble with reflux, but ever since they started the toddler formula they seem to be doing better with reflux.  Praise Jesus!  

Here are a few pics :) night y'all!  

Officially ONE with my bike, and I like it.  

Brant always wants out while waiting for big bubba at school in the pick up line.  What y'all multiples momma's need if on the go is snacks, and a lot of em.  Snacks always make babies happy. :)

Starting to get better at freezing stuff up. Had breakfast for dinner tonight, and I made extra homemade waffles to freeze. If I can only find, and make gluten free freezer meals to make. 

As I was leaving the bike shop the church across the road has this HUGE American flag up, and it is HUGE, and absolutely beautiful.  Perfect wind made it bend, and flow beautifully.  I just love American flags.  

Blessings from this Okie chic! ;)

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