Monday, May 5, 2014


Today was a nice day out.  I didn't count on getting to go out, cause I didn't know if the babies would be good or cranky from these molars coming in.  But, good news they were great all weekend.  So, I got out and got to visit some apecial people.  :)

First off, the babies are now thirteen months as of yesterday.  A lot changed going from twelve to thirteen months.  They started getting in molars.  Boo!  They also started communicating a little more.  Brant is my best talker right now.  The other two just wing it.  Lol.  The big news during this past month is started to try toddler formula, and wean off the bottle.  Over the weekend I knew I needed to put on my big girl pants, and take the bull by the horns and just do this feeding transition.  The babies eat three meals a day now, so they are ready to be off the bottle.  It's going.  Praise Jesus!  This weekend having them try the toddler milk went great.  In fact they loved it.  Probably because it is flavored.  Lol.  It tasted good to me too.  Anywho, they are taking less bottles.  Thank you Lord, and drinking milk more out of sippies.  This will make life a little easier, and help them be more independent. That's the scoop on the baby front.  

Today I got to visit my Grandparents in the city.  I rarely get to see them, cause one I have the babies always all the time, and two they live about 50 minutes from my house.  So it was really nice, and we had a great visit.  I think they loved the surprise visit.  It was also my Grandma's Birthday today too, so I brought a little surprise for her too.  :) I was glad I was able to get out to the store, and grab them some lunch before I got there.  I rarely get to do it, but love it when I do.  It was great to see them.  :)

This is my Grandma Crystal, and Grandpa Don.  

Then I also got to go to lunch with a couple of my friends.  In celebration of Cinco de Mayo ;) we had Mexican food, and a strawberry Margarita for me.  Woo hoo!  I also squeezed in going to SAMs.  Yeeeeeah!  And made a new multiples mom friend.  I totally went up to a lady with twins.  They were three, and riding in the double grocery cart.  It was too cute.  Ok, gotta get.   These boys are gettin wild.  Time to get out and play. It's in the ninties today.  Big thumbs up!  

annnnnd just when you think things can't get any bigger at are wrong.  Lol.  Get yur good ole Melon slicer at SAMs today.  Lol Had to get a pic of this last week when I was there.  

The Amy and Tiff selfies.  She facebooks, and I take pics.  Typical.  Lol.  

And this beauty is all along the fence behind my house.  Not sure what it is, but it's beautiful, and natural, and I love it.  

The title today is random.  It's the name of this song here on the link, and was the song as I finished my ride last night.  Just awesome!  Go ahead, and put your booty shakin, boot stompin boots on and just dance to it.  ;) And here's the awesome song by one of my fave rock fellas, Lenny Kravitz.  Enjoy! 

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