Monday, July 7, 2014

15 month triplets...look out.

All I can say is time is flying by with these babies.  They are now 15 months old, as of July 4th, and they are in to everything and are all little rascles.  I thought I had posted this, but for some reason it didn't post last Friday.  So here ya go. :)

All three boys, are just that, ALL BOY.  They love to throw things, play in the dirt, and love to play with cars and say "vroom vroom."  It's pretty cute.  :) They love to climb, and I do mean climb everything.  Furniture, chairs, name it and they probably have tried it.  It's a circus all the time.  Lol.  They also love to play outsider.  Brant loves playing in the big dirt pile in our back yard.  The yard is a huge mess right now, but I'm hoping progress will come, and it will be finished soon.  Hard to take triplets out there right now by myself, because of all the trees down, and dirt work, and the fence is down.  Just crazy.  Anywho, Wyatt loves to run, and I mean full on baby sprint.  Lol.  His run is basically my run.  Lol.  He is a fast little turkey, and giggles all the way.  My sweet Luke loves to find things, and eat them.  Lol.  He finds bugs, leaves, and I'm always cleaning his mouth out and watching what he has.  They all keep me on my toes.  Once the backyard is done I won't be runnin around like a chicken so much when I'm by myself.  Lol.  

On the growing front, they are huge.  I'm thinking around 27 pounds, but I won't know the exact until their well baby appointment this Thursday.  They all eat so well, and constantly want a, "nack nack."  That stands for "snack."  They are all still on prescription based formula.  They can not tolerate milk proteins yet, so they will have to stay on the formula for a little while longer.  As for their reflux, I think it is almost null and void.  So I have been slowly taking their Prilosec dosage down.  Their next GI checkup is not until August, but I wanted to get a jump on things to see if they work.  So far so good.  So they eat, then snack, then eat, then snack.  

As for napping.  They have been at one long nap a day since before they turned one, and do quite well with that.  They wake up when the rooster does, and go to bed around 7:30 to 8.  Most of the time they sleep all night, but do wake up at least once wrestling around.  I think if I had them all separated in different rooms they wouldn't do that, but oh well them all together works pretty well most of the time.  

As for cloths ect.  They are in 24 months cloths, and just started size five diapers.  Hopefully they will be in this size for a while, because I feel like I'm always buying them cloths.  I don't spend much, and always shop the clearance racks.  With three you can't really be picky.  If I had girls, oh boy, would I be in trouble.  

The daily routine, well here is what our day to day is like most of the time.  Totally different then those who have just one toddler and a baby.  Your ease of just getting out is a lot more difficult, but can be managed.  It's all in what you want to do I think, or feel like that day.  With it being summer it is a little different since big bubba is home during the day, but most of everything is still the same.  They all are up around 6 to 7, and get some milk. This tides them over until I get breakfast made, and Beau up and ready for swim school.  It also let's me get the dishes done, and possibly put in a load of laundry.  Woo hoo!  Lol.  That's never ending.  Then they usually have breakfast, play while I clean up, and then it's almost time for snack again.  Lol.  They eat all the time.  Normally I would take them out to swing and play outside, but our back yard is a total mess so that's out for now.  :(  Every other day I try and take them for a two mile walk in the mornings, and they love that.  They get to see some donkeys and geese along the way, and they all get so excited.  Once we are back it is almost time for lunch, which is usually around 11, and then they are ready for nap.  Naps usually last from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours.  It all depends on what all we do that day.  They have dinner around 5 each day, sometimes 6.  Then play for a while, get a bath, and then off to bed.  I know it all seems so rigid, but with these babies they have to have routine.  When it gets off, oh boy, they will be so darn cranky.  We always have our occasional days when I take them out to Gram's to swim, to SAMs or Target, somewhere fun (that rarely happens), or to take Beau  somewhere.  Those days are always crazy, but somehow I manage.  Right now at the stage they are in of getting into everything and running like little road runners it's tough to do anything.  But, I like to try, and keep saying I will give things a whirl soon.  Lol. 

As y'all can read they are busy busy all the time.  They love to explore things, and keep everyone on their toes.  ;)

Here are their recent pics from this last week.  It is just a sneak peek, but they are too cute not to share.  Love my friend Mary for always capturing my kiddos personalities perfectly.  

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