Thursday, February 14, 2013

A beautiful day to catch up on the blog :)

This week has been a quiet week so far. The bed rest thing has not really been bed rest. I have been relaxing more, but not doing completely nothing. Today I think I really blew it. :/ But, I had to get some little valentine stuff for my boys. Thank goodness Walmart has motorized shopping carts :) and yes, I took full advantage of that. It helped me be able to get to the store with ease.

Other than that I have been doing pretty good. I had a regular weekly check up with Dr. H on Tuesday, and she is still very impressed with how well I am doing. I don't want to take any of it for granted, so I really really need to jump on this bed rest bandwagon. Dr. H said I didn't have to be in bed all day and night, but just have my feet propped up and relaxing as much as possible. I can do that, but I will admit it is so hard not doing anything. But, for these little turkeys I will do it so they have an easier time when they come.

In the little cutie pie, Beau's valentines we made, and my motorized cart at Walmart oh yeah :)

Happy Valentines Day from me plus 3. Three times the love for sure :)

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