Friday, February 22, 2013

High Risk Apt @ 29 weeks 5 days

Today I had my high risk apt with Dr. M.  I have a lot to share, surprise surprise :)

As I was called back for my high risk apt I was so excited, because I got one of the really good sonographers.  Yeap!  Anywho, all the babies are looking really good.  Today, they all showed good diaphragm movement, which shows that their lungs are developing. :)  I am still gaining weight on an average of 1 to 2 pounds per 8 days, so that is good.  One thing that is good on my weight gain is that the babies are taking it all.  :)  Baby A weighed in at 3.1 pounds, Baby B 3.5 pounds, and Baby C 2.14 pounds.  Hopefully by next week they will all be 3 to 4 pounders.  On a little turkey note...Baby B must be the line backer of this bunch since he is taking in the most weight.  Oh, and he still is practicing all his football skills on my belly...ouch.  My blood pressure is great.  As for my cervix Dr. M had to double check it since Baby A is smooshing it, but all was well.  All the babies have stayed in the same position for the past month, and this confirms they just do not have any more room to do flips or somersaults any more.  So, Baby B will just keep kicking me instead.  Dr. M said he just wants me to sit back and not do a thing, especially since I told him I was going to 36 weeks. :)  He did say today that he thinks I can do it if I just do strict bed rest.  This means I will have to have someone here with me when Beau is home, and we already planned for this for next week.  Anywho, other than that all is well.  He said I was still his favorite triplet preggo thus far. WOO HOO, way to make a big preggo lady feel good.  Oh, and not to sound too happy, but since I do feel as big as a barn I really did com out of there smiling today.  Dr. M came up to Rusty as we were leaving and said, "Man she really looks great for having three in that little tummy.  Most people would never know there were three in their, because she looks like a singleton pregnancy." :)  Oh yeah, you got extra brownie points on that one for sure buddie.  ;-)

On another note of discussion on the triplets, I spoke with Beau's immunologist this week about his immune deficiency and the possibilities of the triplets having the same thing.  THI is the short term name for what Beau has.  One thing that is good is that children outgrow this deficiency, but that bad thing is early babies are the ones at highest risk of having this type. :/  But, going through it with Beau and establishing a good rapport with his immunologist I feel fully confident we will be able to handle it well if any of the triplets have this.  They do have a chance, but will not know until signs of it start showing in infancy.

As for how I feel...I just get really sleepy and tired, but this has faded some with bed rest this week.  I am not doing anything so that has helped.  Reflux and heartburn are controlled by tums still, but if I eat late I will wake up choking. :/  So as long as I don't want to take meds I better eat earlier in the evenings.  The only other thing that I can think of is I use A LOT of Shea Butter products.  I still use the Re9 body lotion and love it, but I also started using a couple of body washes.  Soft soap has a great Shea Butter wash, reasonable price and smells great.  The other body wash is by Oil of Olay Shea Butter wash, reasonable price and I love it too. :)

On the home front - we are enjoying our new bed, but look out cause I almost need help getting on and off of it. LOL.  Seriously, I had to get one of Beau's step stools to get into it, and I am not short by any means.  It is just this huge watermelon in front of me makes it a little difficult to maneuver.  Anywho, thought I would give ya'll a good laugh.  Rusty and Beau take great care of me.  Very thankful for them.  We are pretty well moved in, just not decorated yet.  That will all come with time.  The one thing that is calling my name is my green thumb. :(  But, once the babies are home I can start some of my ideas in the yard, hopefully. :)  For right now I love waking up and looking in our back yard.  The sunrise is always beautiful coming over the tree line.  Another thing Beau and I love to watch is all the birds in his woods.  We have persimmon trees back there so we have a variety of birds.  Red bellied Woodpecker, Cardinals, Blue Jays, and of course the geese from the pond.  Beau tries really hard to do a geese call and occasionally gets it mixed with a duck call.  LOL.  I think he thinks he is the animal whisperer sometimes, and well, he just might be with his love of animals.

This weekends fun for us is going to consist of packing my bag, Beau's bag, and finishing putting baby stuff together.  Aunt Jess & Uncle Justin we got the jumper put together last night :)  Thank you!  Thank you!

Stuff left to get rounded up for the babies is basically cloths (0-3 onesies & pjs, 3-6 mo onesies & pjs, and anything over that up to 12-18 months) , Dr. Browns bottles (4 oz & 8 oz), and diapers (which my two NICU nurse friends are going to be helping me out with along the way).  On the bottles I am trying to get enough rounded up for an entire day.  I have two really good coupons for Dr. Browns so this should help me complete the supply we need.  Although I will be breastfeeding them, I will be pumping a lot too, as I did with Beau, so bottles will be needed.  Dr. Brown's is (I believe), and was the best success with Beau.

-First pic is of all three heads.  Crazy, because it is very hard to capture all three in a pic.
-Second pic is of Baby A's face.  It is kind of squished, but he is snuggled up next to B's back. :)
-Third pic is of Baby C's face.  He is squished up against one of the membranes.
-Fourth pic is of my fave drink.  If you haven't ever bought these wonderful natural sodas you should hop in your ride and get on over to the store and grab some. YUMMMMMM!
-Five is of the storm updates I get on my phone.  Gotta love OKLAOMA.  We have Thunderstorms, Thundersnow, oh and Thundersleet. LOL.  I remember the first time I heard this from good ole Gary England I thought Gary, I just love your terminologies.

BLESSINGS to you all, and again thank you SO much for your continued prayers.  God is constantly blessing me, and always has even when I thought I couldn't be.  I am so so blessed beyond measure, and I am truly grateful.


  1. Congrats on the great scan! It's good to hear that the little ones are doing so well.

  2. Good all doing so well. Keep trusting!
