Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NST monitoring today.

Today I had my weekly NST monitoring, well one of them. Grammy thankfully helped me get out and get Beau to school then to monitoring today. Crazy how I have slowed down so much just in one week. While on the ride up to get monitored I was able to get all of the future dr apt's and twice weekly monitoring scheduled for Tuesdays and Fridays. Thankful I was actually able to do this. I do have one apt next week that they are trying to get changed, but all the others for the next 6-1/2 weeks :) are good to go.

As for the monitoring today the babies all did good. I was monitored for only 45 minutes, woo hoo! Mainly cause they all were cooperating. I didn't have any contractions while being monitored, but she said that it did look like my uterus was irritable. She said this is normal with multiples. I told her that I was thankful for her being my triage nurse, and how thoughtful she. It is true, I have been blessed with amazing doctors, who really care, and can actually feel their concerns. So, back to my nurse. Friday she called after she got off work to not only see how I was, since it was a long day, but also to see if I got my progesterone shot. Sadly in todays world you do not find many people like this. When I find a sweetheart like this I just tell them. :)

The last thing I want to share about my day is about the TLC channel. I never have watched it, until this morning. :/ Ummm, I'm not sure I will watch it ever again either. When I turned on the tv it has parents with triplets being interviewed and I thought it was a news channel. Well it only lasted five more minutes so that was that. For some reason I kept it in that channel and it was show about labor and delivery...bad idea. All you preggos out there don't watch this channel cause in the end you have sweet little babies that cap any other circumstances like the surgery. :)

Anywho, pretty good day with Beau turning 4, my monitoring, and some other things. :)
