Sunday, February 17, 2013

29 Weeks with the Triplets

Today I am 29 weeks with my three little bear cubs, and definitely feeling it.  Yesterday I was a couch potato all day.  Pretty proud of my self for not doing anything, but my body has caved and said I just can not do anything.  So, I am officially on the bed rest band wagon.  Rusty fixed me dinner last night, and with my strong independent attitude this is hard.  But, I can do it.

I am basically feeling exhausted all the time.  So bed rest is exactly what I need.  My back has been hurting pretty good.  You know even though I have broke my back in several places and ruptured my L4 God has helped me do considerably well.  But, this last week I started having a real hard time sleeping. :(  Some exciting news on the home front is we finally upgraded to a KING bed. Woo Hoo.  The mattress was delivered (for free) yesterday, and it is a swanky bed for sure.  The only thing we are looking for now is a good ole Lazy Boy recliner.  The one at my Grandma's seems to call my name every time I am over there. :) So I asked Rusty if I could get one for our bedroom and he said yes.  Can't wait.  I know it will get good use the entire next couple of years with me and the triplets, so I know we will get our money's worth out of it.

Today makes me only 5 weeks away from both of my dr's delivery goal, and 7 weeks away from my goal.  I really want to get to 36 weeks, and I do believe that with God by my side I can do this.  I am confident that it is a possibility.

I have Monitoring/Dr apt on Tuesday, and then Monitoring/high risk dr apt on Friday.

On a side note Russ took us to see my Gram today since it was her 72nd Birthday. Love her so much and very thankful for her. She is now officially enjoying retirement, and doing stuff she enjoys to do.

Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Look at you, mama!! I'm back from all my traveling and was catching up on your blog and I can't believe you are 29 weeks with those sweet boys already! Hang in there. I want to bring you some food next week still!!

  2. Awe thank you :) and that sounds good. Just text me whenever. Hope your travels went well with the boys :)
