Thursday, March 28, 2013

Exciting news, last minute packing for hospital, and a little bit of this and that.

First off, I am so excited to share that my brother and my sweet beautiful sister in law, Jessica, are expecting their first baby. She is about twelve weeks along, and I have been holding this in for a while. I'm so excited, and can not wait to see their cutie pie, my niece or nephew. :) Also, this will be my Dad's/Sue's fifth grandchild. Four new grand-babies in less than a six month period. Me/Rusty having three more, and Justin/Jess having one. Woozers. This will also be my Gram's fifth great-grand baby in a six month period. Carrigan/Brit are having a boy in May, Me/Rusty having three in the next weeks or so, and then Justin/Jess having their baby in October. Babies, babies, babies... I'm thinking it must be in the water around us. Lol.

I'm also doing some last minute packing for the hospital. My bag is ready to go, but I've been working on the babies bag. As I was trying to figure out what to pack for their cloths, I was talking to my friend Aleisha. Before we hung up she asked if I had their baby books packed...oh my word I haven't even thought of that or even purchased them. This tells you how scattered brained I am lately. So, online I go to start searching for some
Baby books. Hoping I can get what I want pretty quickly.

Since yesterday was a nice and beautiful day, and still was nice when Russ got home, we decided to spend it outside. Rusty set me up a chair, he worked out a little, and then Beau golfed and practiced his t-ball skills. This kid is seriously a natural at t-ball, and just watching him light up while hitting the balls a million times was just awesome. He said over and over again to both of us, "I'm gonna play baseball all night long." It was seriously too cute. I am bummed he didn't get to start this spring, when he could have, but it would be too crazy for us and our new arrivals. But, fall ball has his name all over it. Those of you in our area that might know of who to contact please let me know. :)

As for skinny britches here, I am holding tight. These little turkeys still want to cuddle. I think they would until their actual due date of May 5th, but obviously can't. Anywho, I'm doing well. So far no bad results from all the blood work I had done last week. Bile testing takes at least a week to get completed, but it is so close I feel confident everything will be ok. Tomorrow I have an NST, and it will be nice to just have that to do and not the normal busy Friday routine.

Pic attached is of little man hitting with his wiffle ball bat.

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