Tuesday, March 26, 2013

OB Checkup & NST

Well I am still going strong. I was sure when Dr. H checked me today that I would be sent right on, and be admitted. But, I am just dilated to 1-1/2 to 2 and still doing great. I was having a lot of contractions yesterday evening, and all night, but they subsided this morning thank goodness. Anywho, we discussed the c-section and everything that occurs. She gave me her cell phone number in case something happens during night. This really made me feel good, and confident that everything will go great. I was thinking the UTI might be creeping back, but my test today didn't show high levels so that's good. We discussed the DOB and we are still going by the visits and by the NST's. We are shooting for a couple of days before or after the 36 week mark. She is arranging all of this and will let me know. I know many of you will want to be contacted, but due to the fact that I am having three and having a c-section (1st surgery ever :/ ) it will be a little crazy. We will be busy busy, plus want Beau to see his little brothers as soon as he can with no stress involved. Oh, and getting the skin to skin contact with me and all the babies. Plus, nursing and pumping. Whew!!! We will contact immediate family by text, hopefully, if everything goes well. If we don't have time Gram or Micki will contact you. But, please be praying for a safe, an healthy delivery. Rusty will not have time to call so please don't be hurt by this. :) But, look for an email update or post to the blog on, before, or after April 7th. Within that 4 day period.

During NST today I had the privilege of the charge nurse coming to visit me, and giving me all the procedures and processes they do for multiples c-sections. Dr. Huff had called her to tell her to talk to me about everything when I was there today. All I can say is WOW, she was so informative and I really enjoyed talking to her. A few things she talked about with the multiples families are: visitors, children being around preemies (they discourage it due to so many illnesses these days), social media from others (We want to make and post the announcement of the babies so we ask that no pics be taken), and the busyness that parents of multiples have while transitioning in the hospital. She discussed things I never even thought about. The social media is one thing that I didn't think about, but have seen announcements be made by others in their own situations and people get hurt. This is why we want to be able to post the first pics of the babies, and announce their arrival. :) Anywho, most visiting will probably be best once we make it home with all the babies. Less chaos, hopefully we will have some sleep, and will be on a schedule. And be able to visit with everyone who visits. :)

As for how I'm feeling. T.I.R.E.D. Very tired, and my stomach seriously can not grow any more. It is tight. I'm still having a little anxiety about surgery, but know all will be ok. Faith is one thing that comes naturally with me, so I know everything will be good.

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