Monday, March 25, 2013

Two more weeks until I am a momma of four

Only two more weeks until I am a momma of four boys. Holy moly!!! This whole weekend I thought about the day that will completely change my life, our lives really. Honestly, I'm nervous, somewhat scared, don't know what to expect, but know that I have God that I can call on if I feel like I can't do it.

This still just feels like a dream, and not quite real. I mean how many women go through a triplet pregnancy this well. It is almost unheard of. Really! I am very thankful, and grateful, but there are times I get a little emotional and say I just don't know if I can handle this. It sounds like a lot to me, and changes life in seconds from one child to four. That's just nuts, but hey obviously I know I will be able to do it. I am teacher, well almost, and have handled a classroom of twenty five children before. Why wouldn't I be able to handle four of my own children? I can. Well anywho, just had to write about some of my emotions going on, because I know some people do not write about them. I'm not scared to share what's going on in this thinking all the time head of mine. :)

I do want to share something that we discussed with Dr. Stanley on Friday that I forgot to mention in the update. He is actually the one who brought the subject up, but of course it was one of my own questions so it was good he did. He said once I make it to 36 weeks they would definitely have to go ahead and do the c-section. Why can't I go to 37? Well, the fetal death rate goes up so high with my type of triples if I were to hold them in one more week. He said he has never had any triplet pregnancy like mine go past 35, but if he did he would take them at 36. Stanley also shared some cases of his friends that let their patients carry just one more week, and they actually lost one of the babies in utero. So, I will be soooo grateful to get to 36 weeks and have the babies then. I wanted to share this for those of you that might have twins, or triplets like mine, because I feel like it is very important to know this.

Yesterday, and Friday, I had a few surprises that really made me smile. Friday night, Mindi and Melia brought over a birthday bag of goodies that I just love. Thank you! Then yesterday we opened up the mail, and had the most thoughtful card from one of Rusty's coworkers in Texas. The words him and his wife shared were so incredibly sweet. Then before I went to bed last night the door bell rang, and one of my sweet neighbors came in with this huge triple baby wreath to hang on the babies door. It is made out of diapers, toys, shoes, and so much more. I was completely taken away. This thing took some thought, and a lot of time. So incredibly generous and thoughtful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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