Friday, March 8, 2013

Woo Wee what a day, and its still going.

First, my day started off with me barely able to walk this morning while getting ready for my high risk apt at 7:30 am. :/ I felt and still feel like Baby A is about to fall out. :/ plus a lot of pressure that will not go away.

I need to be brief since they are fixing to do a full check on me here at Baptist. But, at high risk appointment we found that all the babies are good. Diaphragm movement is good. Baby A is head down while other two babies heads are on right side of stomach. Baby A is 3 lbs 12 oz, Baby B is 3 lbs 14 oz, and Baby C is 3 lbs 10 oz.

Then we went one floor up and Beau had his 4 year check up, and all is good. He got three shots, which was not fun, but did very well. Talked with doctor on a few things with the babies, and got some things squared away.

Then we headed over to OB office for me to get progesterone shot, along with a steroid shot for the babies lungs in case I go into labor. The steroid shot last about a week, and just helps in moving along king development. But, they put off giving any shots, and sent me on over to Baptist since I can hardly walk.

So, currently getting checked and monitored, and I will post update once we know plan. Dr. H is thinking hospital bed rest.

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