When I make the half way mark on the TEN I come to a farm on top of a hill, and when you get to this hill you can see all around you for miles. Reminds me of my life growing up at my grandparents. We live in central Oklahoma, where the rolling hills start, and it's quite beautiful. Their house sits on one of the tallest hills in their area, and when you look around you can see all the small towns around. It's amazing, and beautiful.
This is a quick shot I took at the half way mark last night. Sometimes I take different routes. I just love looking all the countryside, and take it all in. This pic doesn't do much justice to the actual beauty of our great state. May not look like much to some, but I can promise it is awesome.
As y'all know riding for me is one thing that I can do to destress, relax, feel good, get fit, and just breath. Oh, and feel the road. One thing I know is that the road has many stories. Just riding, and taking everything in makes me think of all the different stories that go with the ground I ride on. Deep thinker I am. ;)
Now go outside, and RIDE. :)
Bonus sunset from tonight :) Thinking about getting this picture device added to my phone. Gotta research it more though.
This one spoke to me a lot. This is me, and I will say I do try and try again on most of my endeavors.
Night y'all!
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